Get started by making a directory for your command line scripts. 首先为您的命令行脚本创建一个目录。
Backing up the database offline using the DB2 Control Center is another means to get it done without the need to know a single line of command. 使用DB2ControlCenter进行数据库离线备份是另一种备份方法,这种方法不需要发出任何命令。
Another really helpful tactic to get you out of a Web-centric line of thinking is to think about the behavior you're modeling in your application. 使您脱离以Web为中心的思考方式的另一种真正有帮助的战术是,思考您在应用程序中模拟的行为。
Press Enter to get a new line inside the form. 按下Enter在表单内获取新的一行。
GM used the asset to get SAIC's help in obtaining a$ 400 million line of credit in 2009 when GM desperately needed cash. 2009年通用汽车急需现金时,向上汽集团售出了这1%的股权,获得了4亿美元的信用额度。
Americans Elect has collected enough signatures to get a ballot line in eight states, including Michigan and Missouri. 在包括密歇根州和密苏里州在内的八个州,美国人的选择已经收集了足够多的选民签名,获得了候选资格。
Infrastructure projects expected to get underway, like a Lima mass transit train line and a gas pipeline in southern Peru, will also generate jobs and economic activity. 即将开启的基础设施项目也会带动就业和经济活动,比如利马的共同交通铁路和秘鲁南部的天然气管道。
For example, you may get a NullReferenceException on a line that calls the internal design-time assemblies, which you can't debug, so you're left wondering which service failed where. 例如,您可能在调用内部设计时程序集的行中得到NullReferenceException,而您无法调试该错误,因此您只能纳闷哪个服务在哪个地方失败了。
Get ready for a parade to the foul line. 准备在罚球线上炫耀一番吧!
So if I make a plot of the gravitational potential energy as a function of y, then I would get a straight line. 因此如果我画一张,重力势能,受y变化的图,那么会得到一条直线。
Seems to me that's what will get you across a finish line. 我看起来是让你到达终点线。
Let me get a detective on the line for you. 我去叫一位侦探来跟你通话。
Do I get a credit line? 可以把我列在名单上。
The men on the horses were jockeying about to get into a proper line. 骑手们正在调整位置,以排成适当的行列。
Indeed, Mrs. Smith, we must not expect to get real information in such a line. 说真的,史密斯夫人,我们不能期待通过这种渠道获得真实的消息。
Last but not least, I need to get you a top of the line webcam, so at least I can see your eyes as we type. 最后,但不是全部,我要给你安装上网络视频。这样我至少可以在你打字时看见你。
Three dollars doesn't get you a line of coke. 三块钱买不到***。
Rearrange the matter to get a straight line. 此案重新得到一条直线。
That's the only way too get a line on a guy. 不这样就没法了解一个人。
If you can't get a reasonable rep on the line, ask for a supervisor, but again, do this as early as possible, not the day the bill is due or after it is late. 如果你不能得到合理证上线,请监,但再次为此尽早法案,是因为没有一天是下旬或以后。
So generally, if you don't get an error message in a command line environment like this, that's good. 一般来说,如果你在命令行界面,没有收到错误信息,那就是好消息。
If you're in the GUI, you can get to a command line login with the CTRL-ALT-F2 command. 如果你在图形用户接口中,你能用CTRL-Alt-F2的指令到达一个指令行登录。
Tried to get a free line. 试着拨通一电话线路。
In the bottom row they are much more equal, and in this way you'll get a much better rhythm and more harmony in your line of text. 在下面一行中,两者则要均衡得多,你也因而获得了更好的节奏,整个文本也更和谐。
It was my turn to get a ticket when someone cut in line. 轮到我买票的时候,竟然有人插队。
Pioneering plants get a toehold above the tide line on Australia's Fraser Island. 先驱植物在澳大利亚弗雷泽岛的潮汐线上获得立足之地。
I've been trying to get a line on this guy they've nominated for president, but I can't find out anything about him. 我一直在想了解他们提名为总统候选人的消息,但我一无所获。
The fact that we managed to get such a huge credit line in the depth of the crisis says a lot about the importance of this project, that it has to happen. 我们在危机如此深重之际,成功获得了这样的巨额信贷额度,说明了这个项目的重要性,表明它必须要开办。
I can still get down some stuff and throw down a decent line, I think. 我还有能力漂漂亮亮滑几次,我想。
Accordingly, it finds expressions in his striking consciousness of problems, critical attitude, independent personality, and practice to get through a line of demarcation between disciplines. 由此而表现出鲜明的问题意识、批判态度、独立人格的学术践行和打通学科分界的学识基础。